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The incision/implant site where they put the battery pack is infected. The worst part? He got poked in the butt and I wasn't even there to watch it or enjoy it.
A lead has apparently moved or something broke, as the stimulator is no longer stimulating the areas where he needed pain relief, so now he’s back to where he was before any of the surgeries, half of the pain meds and an infected stomach incision. His surgeon refuses to see him until the 17th. Fucker.
The outlook? Who the fuck knows. I Just want my happy husband back. ..
I don’t write much about Dakota, mostly because he’s 14 and plays video games. Plus, he’s 14 and so he thinks Jerry and I are the most stupid people in the world and really can’t be bothered with us. Parents of teens know how this is.
I do my best to remind him that I’m the coolest chick he knows. I think he gets it – mostly. Unless I tell him it’s time to take out the trash and that “no, it really can’t wait until you’re done with your instance, whatever the hell that might mean.”
I made him clean his room. He hated me for like a week. I remember hating my mom whenever she made me clean my room. I think that means I’m doing a good job.
Not actual room. This one is too clean.
Switching to Copaxone from Rebif. Shots will now be every day instead of 3 days a week, however the side effects are said to be minimal, unlike what I deal with now.
I’m doing my first MS Walk of the year on April 18. Some very wonderful people donated money to that walk (as well as the 50 mile walk) and so I’m not really looking for anyone to donate there (unless you want to, then let me know!) And if you're in the Richmond area and want to pound some pavement with me, let me know. $25 signs you up, no minimum fundraising required after that. Come show your support and while you're at it, I'll grope you. Come on, just a little bit?
Feeling ok, just totally stressed about Jerry’s situation. Really.
I will register Josh for Kindergarten next Thursday. I’m ready. I hope he doesn’t play stupid when they do his little interview thingie to determine which class to put him in. I hope he shines like the bright star that he is and wows them with his vast knowledge. If I can just get him to talk about circumnavigating the globe, I think we’ll be ok. If he's in major Joshy B mode, though I may have to buy him a helmet and a harness.
He really wants to take karate lessons, but doesn’t call it karate like you and I say karate. He says “Kah-rah-TAY”. He rocks, in case you didn’t know. We're looking at Dong's Karate. It's the best in town and, uh the website is www.dongs.com Would you expect my kid to go anywhere else?
The other night in the tub, playing with his pirate ship, he discovered that the Fisher Price Little People have a hole in the bottom of their feet. He also discovered that his penis fits inside of it. How do I know this? Becase he goes, “Look Mom!” and I glance over to see the pirate from his pirate ship on his penis, like a finger puppet. Josh just giggled and yelled, "ARRRRRRRGH!". I see “dirty puppet show organizer” on his list of jobs he’ll hold as an adult. Along with horse whisperer...
Josh cannot wait for Memorial Day.You know why? “Because we get to stay home for 3 days in a row!”
And now, I need your help. Jerry sent me a picture and asked if I could “guess what this is”. I’ve made all of the obvious guesses. “Nope” has been his response for each one. So tell me what you think this is:
Sorry to hear that about the stimulator. Those things work great IF there are no complications.
Love the story of the penis puppet. You Rock!
Dude what IS that? Seriously, what were your guesses?
Why the freak isn't the stupid surgeon not going to see him for another 7 days? That's so fucked up!
My brother went thru a "I'm cooler AND smarter than every living thing in this yard" faze. YOU my friend are the kewlest chic-momma-lova-woman-friend eva=)
I hope the new meds work for you without crazy side effects. I can't even drink too much veggie juice without getting dizzy. I think my liver's faulty. So I can't imagine having to go thru that.
ANNNND YAY for Joshy!! He'll totally have fun in kindergarten=)
Surgeons are asses.
Sorry to hear about Jerry.
Dakota sounds like a normal teen boy.
Josh is bound to wow.
YOU simply rock.
PS-pirate puppet had me LMAO!
Mel: It WAS working nicely until they did the permanent implant. Wait and see. Story of our lives lately.
I guessed his unit and his thumb or part of his arm. I have the bottom part - it's his jeans where his legs come together. That's all I have! The surgeon is an asshole. After Jerry finally sees him, I'll be writing HIM a letter.
Awww, Buff - I know you know the assholity of surgeons. Private Pirate Puppetry, by Josh. We could make millions after he's 18...
Oh man. I'm so sorry to hear about Jerry's incision. That SUCKS. The surgeon sounds like an arrogant ass.
I love the Teenage contribution list. I AM the most stupid person in the world - according to the 11-year-old. I know it's only going to get worse in the next couple of years. His room makes a pigsty look neat & organized.
*sigh* Boys.
Luckily, the girl doesn't treat me like a complete idiot. I think it's because she wants stuff and knows I'm the one with the wallet.
I think it's a thumb in that pic.
That really sucks for Jerry. I hope the new meds work for you. I freaking hate side effects. Also, I think Josh might take after his mother just a bit. *laughing*
Teenage boys = Uuuuggggghhhhh
Boys indeed! They are stinky and smelly and get into all kinds of trouble. The surgeon is arrogant. Then again, aren't they all?
Sonya - that kid is definitely my kid. *giggles*
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