Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Let this be a warning to all you newer parents, yet to be parents and uh, yeah.

A long time ago, when Joshy B was a tiny tyke, he started calling his penis his “peeper”. He selected the name himself and it just sort of stuck. It came at a time where everything that did something ended in ‘-er’ and I think he originally was going for pee-er because, quite frankly, that’s what it’s used for.

I always thought it was cute and since it was really only used at home, I saw no harm in it. I knew he’d have to give up on calling it that at some point. I didn’t discourage the use of the word penis. If I call it that, he knows what I’m talking about. He just chooses to continue calling it his peeper.

I went to pick him up the other day and Kathy says, “I’ve gotta tell you what your son did. You'll never believe it.”

Mom’s all across the world know that this is code for, “It’s inappropriate but it’s funny.” I prepared myself for the worst.

Apparently, during rest time, they watch a little bit of TV. Well, the guy on the tv says, “OK everyone! Point your peepers at the screen!”

You and I know this means your eyes. Joshy B hears “peeper” and thinks of his weenie. My child whole-heartedly endorses interactive television, and proceeds to whip it out and point it at the TV screen. He has no modesty. He’s so much like his mother.

Kathy hears giggling as she walks back into the living room and there is Joshy B – standing up, junk in hand, pointing it at the screen.

His little girlfriend there was the giggler, the little tart. But you know, those two have been like peas in a pod since that episode. Ahhhh…young love.

So parents, I’m here to tell you – what you think is cute and innocent when they’re little may turn out to be the most inappropriate thing ever. Watch what you let your kids call their private areas.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to eat a burger, and maybe some pie.

Jeepers, creepers! Where’d ya get those peepers?



Kimmy said...

Awww... Joshy's first public exposure experience. They grow up so fast. *tear* My dad taught my son to call his privates his "Kielbasa" but that is too long for a 3 year old so he just calls it his "basa".

Kim said...

OMG! I wish *I* had thought of that!! Is it too late to change it to pork & beans for Joshy B??

This blog is crap!